Dating tires-women are more on younger men

Dating tires-women are more on younger men

Dating myth refuted-women like younger men

Women love older men! So you thought for a long time, but it’s not true. In dating, an examination showed that women also flare up for young guys.

Men age like good wine, at least the men like to talk to themselves. A new study reveals the truth: women, as well as men, feel drawn to younger partners. For the investigation, more than 6,000 single men and women between the ages of 22 and 85 were interviewed. In total, they had more than 4,000 blind dates that were arranged by a dating agency.

After all, that’s a big sample. The question was: do you want another after the first personal meeting? And “yes” was said much more often when the partner was younger. Professor Paul Eastwick from the University of California in Davis, who headed the study, said: “After a blind date, the participants felt more attracted to younger partners, and this trend was equally necessary for men and women.”

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“The result is very surprising when you consider that women in almost every study that has ever been carried out indicate that they want an older partner,” said Eastwick. Other studies had shown that in long -term relationships men are mostly older than women. This does not necessarily have to be the case, there are enough counterexamples in everyday life and in the celebrity world. But it is the rule. According to a report by the UN, for which more than 200 countries were examined, men are four years older than women on average when they married. In Germany, women were 32.6 years old in 2022 when they were first married, men 35.1 years.

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Apparently there is a discrepancy between reality and the desire. “Before this study, everyone had assumed that the average age difference in couples means that men initially felt attracted to younger women and women,” says Professor Eastwick.

Now it was shown that in about 55 percent of cases men and women prefer younger partners, in about 45 percent of the cases older. However, the matter becomes complicated because the desire or the desire for a second date is not evenly distributed to the sexes.

Men flare up faster

Professor Eastwick recalls that most studies have shown that the initial attraction in men is much more pronounced than in women. In order to achieve the same effect that men feel in women of the same age, you would have to couple a woman with a man who is seven years younger than she.

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The study published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” does not reveal how it goes on, i.e. whether the romantic attraction on the first date leads to long -term relationships or whether it is only enough for a flirt. It is quite conceivable that youth is an important factor in the first encounter. For example, because the older person feels flattered. Or in this case you are not averse to a non -binding adventure, but other factors are important in the event of a long -term relationship.

“It is possible that women are initially attracted to young men, but these pairings of older women and younger men somewhere between a first date and the formation of relationships rather atrophy than others when the disadvantages of men come to the fore”, “assume The researchers.

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Another study by the same team showed that people with increasing age preferred a younger partner. But while men already started with younger women, women with older men started before moving to younger men of the same age and in retirement age.

The study cannot answer how, when and why people are received by long -term relationships or even a marriage. But it impressively shows that at least at the first impression of younger people have a significant advantage over the older ones.


Source: Stern

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