Retirements: With the $ 70,000 bonus, how the assets are in February

Retirements: With the $ 70,000 bonus, how the assets are in February

Retirements, pensions and assignments will have an increase in February of 2.7%, and also those who have a minimal retirement will charge a $ 70,000 bonus.

The Retirements, pensions and Assignments They will have an increase in February of 2.7%, due to the mobility formula that takes as reference the December consumer price (IPC) index published by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC). In addition, the holders of Retirements and pensions With minimal assets, they will charge, with the regular payment calendar, a $ 70,000 bonus.

One by one: how the ANSES payments are in February

In this way, No retiree or pensioner will receive less than $ 343,086.50 ($ 273,086.50 pesos of having minimal with increase + $ 70,000 bonus). Meanwhile, those who have inferiors lower than that figure will have a proportional bonus until they reach said minimum.

On the other hand, Anses reported that the Universal pension for the elderly (Puam) It will be $ 288,469.20 ($ 218,469.20 pesos with increase + $ 70,000 pesos of bond) and the Non -contributory pensions (PNC) due to disability and old age$ 261,160,55 ($ 191,160.55 pesos with increase + $ 70,000).

Meanwhile, the Universal child allocation (AUH) will amount to $ 98,128 pesos; the Auh by son with disabilitiesat $ 319,525 pesos, and the Family Assignment by Sonat $ 49,066 pesos for the first range of income.

Source: Ambito

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