Happy relationship? These habits destroy the partnership

Happy relationship? These habits destroy the partnership

Five anti-tips: How to make an unfortunate relationship out of an unfortunate relationship

Relationships can sometimes suck the will to live from the bones. What you should pay attention to if you (not) really want to ride the partnership into the groats.

What is a happy relationship? Simple answer: something else for everyone. While some lead their liaison with as few emotional levels as possible, calm and harmonious, other couples need passionate turbulence, the drama. With some fly the plates in a dispute, with others there is always vain sunshine. Although no relationship is not the same, there are still a few behaviors on which everyone can orient themselves that prefer a happy partnership of an unhealthy. On the other hand, if you want to get rid of your partner …

5 tips for couples who want to have a (un) happy relationship

Iron out difficult conversations

The family fund is almost empty, but the partner still knocks the money upside down as if it kept it on trees? Don’t talk him about it. Does your wife just have to crochet around them? In no way hook what is behind it – after all, it could improve something.

Happy couples do not return their problems under the carpet, they actively address them and look for the open, honest and constructive conversation. The results of one point out that the issuing of conflicts can not only be beneficial but also health. You shouldn’t force the conversation either. Because if the other does not want to get out with the language, the basic situation can even deteriorate.


How do you tell the partner that you no longer find him attractive?

“If a partner wants to carry in disagreements, while the other dispute prefers to avoid, both are unconsciously dissatisfied with how their conflicts are dealt with. This can lead to stress more often in everyday life – and it has a negative effect on health in the long term”, Study leader Kyle Bourassa explained to the.

It is best to record how often the partner does something good for them and how often they annoy them. No flower for Valentine’s Day? Minus point. Borrowed the car and brought back with an empty tank? Minus point. After all, you have to know whether you invest more in the relationship than the other, right? If you want to have a happy partnership, leave the book.

Because it is like this: people who love each other actually don’t want the partner anything bad. They like to do something good for each other. They bring a cup of coffee over without being asked or massage the annoying working day out of the neck – out of free pieces and not because it is requested, of course. And certainly not with the expectations that the other person has to give something back.

Young man is desperate

Psychologist explains

Ms. Gause, why do some people put on the drama?

But if there is actually an imbalance, couples should speak openly about it. Because, it explains the couple therapist: “If communication in the relationship is bad, a kind of emotional gap is gradually created. If the emotional connection has been lost, the partner can sit next to you on the couch, and you still feel lonely. “

If the loved one has recently been hanging on the cell phone and writes messages with the “colleague”, you should rather convince yourself with your own eyes that the colleague is not more loved. Just take the cell phone when it is in the shower and …

If you want to get rid of your partner, spy on it is a good way to get to your destination – because sniffing in the privacy of the other is a crossing of border and a breach of trust. In a stable relationship, trust should predominate and the feeling that the other hiding a little or even behind you should not even arise. “Spying behind occurs constantly and can be fatal for a relationship,” said couple therapist Alexandra Hartmann im. And: “If I have a good basic trust, I get it less quickly than if I am from the ground up to an insecure person.”

Building a partnership on lies must be put on sand like a foundation.

Reading relationships is not an easy task. Did you secretly smoke even though you promised the partner to let it be? It is best to just deny and prefer lies than to endure hours of discussions!

People in happy relationships do without lies. As a team that pulls together, they don’t see themselves as an adversary. Instead of imagining something to the other and lying disrespectfully in the face, keep it with the truth and maintain a sincere, open dealing with each other.

“Building a partnership on lies is like a foundation to put on sand,” says therapist. “Without sincerity, it is impossible to build a stable and permanent partnership. In order not to be forced to make such decisions, you should try to communicate well from the start and to talk to your partner honestly about your own needs and expectations.”

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View as a matter of course

At the beginning of a relationship we show ourselves from our chocolate side, the object of desire. If you have won the other for yourself, you don’t have to do anything anymore, you can sit back and let the relationship sail.

You can do. If you want to call your partner your partner for a while, you should leave it. No partner, no life partner is of course part of our life, they should not be treated as a matter of course. Relationships are not a sure-fire success, also emphasizes sexual and couple therapist. If you want the relationship to hold, you have to do something for it “from the first day and even after years”.


Source: Stern

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