The entry of currency of the month of January is the result ofThe grain sales rhythm from the producer, Deliveries to wheat and barley harvest port, as well as a sustained soybean grinding program for foil and soy oil shipments. “International prices did not accompany production improvement, but annual total values could have been superior “they pointed out.
What are the most exported oleaginous complex products
For its part, the oleaginous-cereal complex, including biodiesel and its derivatives, contributed the year 2023, 50.1 % of the total exports of Argentina, according to INDEC data.
The main export product of the country is soy flour (12 % of the total), which is an industrialized byproduct generated by this agroindustrial complex, which currently has a high idle capacity close to 70 %. The second most exported product last year, according to INDEC, was corn (11 %) and the third was soybean oil (6.9 %).
Harvest field withholdings sowing
The country’s main export product is soy flour (12 % of the total).
How AGRODOLLARS are calculated
As detailed by the entertainment, the monthly foreign exchange income, transformed into pesos, is the mechanism that allows to continue buying grains from the producers at the best possible price.
“The currency liquidation is fundamentally related to the purchase of grains that will then be exported, either in the same state or as processed products, after an industrial transformation,” They stressed.
Within that framework, they stressed that most of the foreign exchange income in this sector occurs well in advance of export, anticipation that is around the 30 days in the case of the export of grains and reaches up to 90 days in the case of exporting oils and protein flours.
“That anticipation also depends on the moment of the campaign and the grain in question, so there are no delays in currency settlement,” They emphasized.
In this sector, statistical comparisons between different periods are generally inaccurate or inaccurate since currency liquidation is strongly influenced by the commercial cycle of grains, which depends on various and changing exogenous factors such as international price oscillations, supply retraction, retraction of the offer , different volume and protein value of harvests, climatic conditions, holidays, union force measures, regulatory modifications, tariff barriers and for tariffs abroad, phytosanitary or quality requirements of other countries, etc.
Source: Ambito

I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.