They will auction the iconic violin of the famous Lutier Stradivari: it could exceed US $ 18 million and become the most expensive

They will auction the iconic violin of the famous Lutier Stradivari: it could exceed US $ 18 million and become the most expensive

February 4, 2025 – 13:57

The instrument will be auctioned at the Sotheby´s house next Friday and its price between the US $ 12 YU $ S18 million. The musician built the Joachim-Ma Stradivarius in his golden age, around 1700.


A new musical instrument could become the more expensivewhen a auction is auctioned violin manufactured by the famous Antonio Stradivari In 1714, next Friday at the auction house Sotheby´s, In New York.

The house estimates that the value of Joachim-Ma Stradivarius, Round between the US $12 and U $ 15 millionand in the event that it is sold at the upper end of that range, it could exceed US $ 15.9 million paid in 2011 by another Stradivarius. His rival is the Lady Blunt, manufactured in 1721 and appointed by Guinness World Records as the most expensive instrument ever sold at an auction.

He musician built the violin during his “It was golden“, which began around 1700 And he was marked by an improvement in his artisanal mastery, he said Mari Claudia JiménezPresident of Sotheby´s Americas and global business director.

_Antonio Stradivari Violin (1) .png

The income of the auction will be used to establish the scholarship with the greatest name in the history of the school.

The income of the auction will be used to establish the scholarship with the greatest name in the history of the school.


This is the best violin of that time“Jiménez added while stressed that” this is the high point of its production. “Sotheby´s states that the violin is in a large state of conservation, and that its property history is extraordinary and remarkable. He violin He is named after two of his famous owners: the virtuous violin Joseph Joachimof Hungary, who lived between 1831 and 1907, and Si-Hon Maborn in China in 1926, who moved to the United States in 1948 and died in 2009.

What is the story behind the Joachim-Ma Stradivarius

In 1879, The revered Hungarian violinist Joseph Joachimconsidered one of the most influential musicians of the nineteenth century, made its interpretation at the premiere of the violin concert in Re major, of its friend Johannes Brahms, under the direction of the composer himself. Today, the concert is seen as one of the more iconic pieces of classical music never played in a violin.

After 88 years of Joachim’s historical performance, which coincided with the 60th anniversary of the death of the teacher, Si-Hon Maviolinist and educator, bought the instrument with the profits of your invention of Sihon silencera sound shock absorber that is placed behind the bridge of the string instruments and that does not need to be removed when it is not used.

Seven years later, after having spent time in the Cremona Violin MuseumMa’s assets honored his desire that the instrument be donated to New England Conservatory. The school, which was the first Conservatory of Music independent In the United States and teaches 775 students around the world, they have been using the instrument selectively since then.

“A small number of students has touched it over the years, and it has been a Extraordinary experience For them, “says the president of the NEC, Andrea Kalyn. But the JOACHIM-MA STRADIVARIUS VIOLEN He was delivered to school with the condition that one day it could be sold to support student scholarships, and that moment has arrived. The auction income They will be used to establish the scholarship with the greatest name in the history of the school.

Source: Ambito

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