Deputy Oscar Zago said that the government has the votes for the suspension of the step

Deputy Oscar Zago said that the government has the votes for the suspension of the step

The Government seeks to advance with the agreements in deputies to suspend the step

As Zago explained, “the numbers are” for the administration of Javier Milei to move forward with the suspension of the step in the middle of a year marked by the mid -term elections. Despite ensuring that the government has the votes to obtain the half sanction in deputies, the legislator of the Integration and Development Movement (MID) warned that This electoral tool prior to the elections of this 2025 cannot be eliminated.

“The law is very clear, You cannot change the variables as we can think of in an election year. We have to do things well, let’s try to improve the article by article and have the best law, “Zago explained.

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The project will go down to the site next Thursday.

In detail, about the project presented by the libertarian management, the former president of the Block of Freedom Avanza (LLA) said: “Let’s suspend them and then work well with a Political reform because you also have the financing of political parties

“In 2023 we went to vote six times, it is crazy, it is wasteful money,” Zago said, although he later said: “Of the Night to eliminate them from a stroke and without knowing what we are going to do is not doing things well

Deputies: The Government got Peronist backups and advances with the suspension of the step

The electoral reform designed by Casa Rosada It was the first issue of the Deputies Agendawhich resumed the activity in extraordinary sessions with the debate of the elimination of primary elections. The Government achieved the support of provincial leaders – between dialoguists and Peronists – to advance with the opinion.

In this way, the first call of the 2025 legislative cycle was in a Plenary of Constitutional Affairs, Justice and Budget and Finance Commissionswho discussed the “Reform Law for Electoral Strengthening”, Which in addition to the repeal of the PASO intends to limit the gratuity of the proselytizing propaganda, exponentially increases the contribution that private ones can make (of a limit of 2% of the total electoral funds, passes to 35%) and hinders the conditions to become a national party.

In these last reforms, the administration of Milei would not have the support of its main allies (PRO, MID), that did endorse the suspension of the step, which would exclusively affect the electoral calendar 2025. On the other hand, radicalism presented divided positions on this debate.

In detail, the block of Democracy forever did not present an opinionwhile The UCR did not support in its entirety. Scope could know that the Cordoba government added its support to the libertarian intention, through its Representatives in the Federal Meeting Bank. On the side of Peronism, this attitude had four replicas between the legislators of Santiago del Ester made it possible to advance the project of Casa Rosada.

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In this sense, the ruling party needed 58 signatures in total so that its proposal goes down to the enclosure and advances the debate: He got 53 in favor with 3 in dissent (Nieri, Sánchez, Soledad Carrizo), while there was another opinion with 5 signatures (of the Peronist provincialists) that guaranteed the minimum number required in a commission to raise a project to the session.

The capture of the votes from the governorates were closed surgically. First they were announced from Córdoba, while the Peronists agreed at a meeting that had simultaneously the Ministry of Economy and the Cabinet Headquarters With leaders or representatives of Catamarca, Salta, Jujuy, Misiones and Tucumán. From the Mendoza and Cordoba radicalism there were last -moment calls to their legislative references, which They added their rubric when the votes were already guaranteed.

The session will finally take place next Thursday and will include Security and Justice Reforms: Reiterance and judgment in absence.

Source: Ambito

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