Dental problems: Five habits we should break

Dental problems: Five habits we should break

The human body is a single, constantly wearing part. If you don’t look after it properly, it will break down quicker than we would like. Teeth are one of those body parts that are prone to causing problems. They get holes or cracks, have sensitive necks, and in the worst case, fall out. The unfortunate thing is that – unlike sharks – they don’t always grow back. As a human, nature usually “delivers” two sets to your door, but the so-called third sets are really expensive. That makes it all the more important that our little teeth are properly cared for and maintained. But we often abuse them, sometimes even without knowing it.

It is well known that it is not particularly beneficial to consume kilos of sweets every day. But too much fruit can also damage your teeth. The fructose and acid in fruit attack tooth enamel. And alcohol is detrimental to dental health because it increases the risk of gum inflammation.

Dental problems caused by stupid habits

The metal in piercings can cause infections and if you think you can use your teeth as a bottle opener, you shouldn’t be surprised if they break. The same goes for chewing on pens. If you constantly chew on hard material, you run the risk of cracks or splinters.

Five other habits that are part of everyday life for many people are real poison for the teeth. Find out which ones in the photo gallery above.

Source: Stern

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