
How to properly use self-bronzer

Crisp brown with spray, cream or liquid: How does it work? With self-bunners. There is nothing wrong with that if you do it right. But you should be aware that self-tanning gives the skin a cosmetic tint that offers no protection against the scorching and skin cancer-causing UVB rays, as the ON doctor Johannes Neuhofer emphasizes. In addition to tanning from the tube, you need high-quality sun protection.

Self-tanning products contain a colorless type of sugar (dihydroxyacetone, DHA for short), which reacts with a substance in the outermost skin cells and thus creates the brown tint. This process takes up to eight hours – you should wait at least half an hour before getting dressed, otherwise unsightly textile patterns can become visible on the skin. The effect lasts for three to 15 days – depending on how quickly the uppermost layer of skin flakes off of the person affected. The color should be refreshed every three days.

Here are a few tips for dealing with self-tanners:

Before self-tanning you should do a peeling so that the tanning does not look blotchy within a short time. In heavily calloused areas such as knees or elbows, there may be increased discoloration.

Patients with chronic skin diseases or allergies should seek advice from a dermatologist before use.

Wash hands thoroughly before and after use to avoid staining the palms.

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