A smartwatch ends their suffering: how did this happen?

A smartwatch ends their suffering: how did this happen?

The diagnosis
How one woman found the cause of her heart problems

A woman suffers from palpitations on and off for years – no one can find the reason. Until a smartwatch brings light into the darkness.

The elderly lady had suffered from heart palpitations and palpitations for around 20 years. Occasionally she would collapse. I found out when she came to my consultation. She told me her whole story. After a little rest, the symptoms always disappeared. Sometimes there were several months, sometimes years between episodes. Apart from high blood pressure, for which she took tablets, the patient had no health problems. She visited various cardiologists. They did long-term ECGs and an ultrasound examination of the heart – everything was always perfect. At some point the diagnosis of panic attacks was made.

Published in stern care booklet 01/2024

Source: Stern

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