Drink water: Live healthier with enough fluids

Drink water: Live healthier with enough fluids

star January challenge
Your task on January 9th: Drink two liters of water

With the star-January Challenge you can do something good for yourself in the New Year. The challenge: ten tasks on ten consecutive days. Are you there?

More time for family and friends, a better body feeling, living healthier: There are many reasons to break old habits – and establish new ones. It provides ideas and motivation star-January Challenge: For ten consecutive days in January you can dedicate yourself to a task set by us every day. And who knows – maybe the daily challenge will become a new, beloved habit that you can use to do something good for yourself in the new year?

Are you there? We would be happy about that. Today’s task is particularly simple: Drink the recommended amount of two liters of water.

Humans consist of around 60 percent water and must always drink enough. The most common recommendation is two liters of water a day. That’s about eight normal glasses.

But why is it so important to provide your body with enough fluids? Water helps regulate temperature, aids digestion, promotes cellular health and provides fuel for the body. And because the human body loses water every day through urine, bowel movements, sweating and breathing, the loss must be compensated for.

If you – like many people – have problems drinking enough, take special care during today’s challenge to ensure that you supply your body with the necessary amount of fluid. It’s best to fill the glass straight away and throw it in.

The following tips can help you drink enough water.

Tip 1: Always have the drink handy

A refillable water bottle that you carry with you at all times reminds you to drink regularly and allows you to drink water at any time. Some people find it helpful to follow fashion trends. The so-called For example, it is not only a drinking vessel, but also a decorative accessory.

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Tip 2: Eat foods that contain water

Not everyone finds it easy to drink two liters of water. Some people just don’t like good old Kranenberger. But: Many fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, melons or grapes, have a high water content and can help improve your hydration status. But that doesn’t apply to this challenge.

Tip 3: Drink triggers

Some people actually find it difficult to think about drinking. The body rarely or never responds and there is often no real thirst. It can therefore help to set so-called triggers – or in other words: to establish fixed rituals. For example: Drink a glass of water every time you go to the kitchen. Or at least one large glass with every meal. This is how drinking can be incorporated into everyday life.

Tip 4: Get a taste

Many people simply find water too boring. Water usually tastes like nothing at all and is therefore not enjoyable to drink. But you don’t have to grab a lemonade to solve the problem. For example, drink your water in the form of unsweetened or only slightly sweetened fruit tea. Or chop up fruit, herbs or vegetables – for example cucumber or mint.

If drinking large amounts of water is not possible or desired, it helps to consume your daily ration in small steps. If the glass is always at hand, it is less problematic to simply take a quick sip during phone calls or during breaks to think. In this way, drinking becomes a minor matter from being the main task.

This way you can tell whether you have drunk enough

You can find out for yourself whether the challenge has been successful on the same day. Because if you drink too little, you will excrete urine that is too dark. The goal should be a light yellow. This is the normal color of urine that shows you are well hydrated.

Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration. This can be either mild or severe and depends on how severe the water or fluid deficiency is in the body. In other words: Drinking a little doesn’t always pay off straight away. Therefore, while this is a challenge for today, it is actually a challenge for the rest of your life.

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Source: Stern

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