Uncovering infidelity: A loyalty tester reveals how it’s done

Uncovering infidelity: A loyalty tester reveals how it’s done

How do I recognize infidelity in a relationship? Loyalty tester about the dark side of love

Loyalty is one of the most important values ​​in a partnership. Nevertheless, statistics show that more and more people are cheating. Therese Kersten wants to expose fraudsters with her agency “The Loyalty Testers” – also because she has personally experienced how painful it hurts when you are deceived.

This text comes from the stern archive and first appeared in May 2024.

Anyone who catches their partner lying in the act or notices that their partner’s behavior suddenly changes can sometimes get a sinking feeling in their stomach. Even the slightest suspicion that our partner might be unfaithful can make us despair. Therese Kersten knows the feeling, and for her it became certainty: the 34-year-old had been cheated on by her partner. That’s why she decided to protect other people from this painful experience. Your agency “Die Treuetester”, founded 14 years ago, has grown into a successful business.

Source: Stern

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