Detoxify from dating? How a trend makes young women abstinent

Detoxify from dating? How a trend makes young women abstinent

Dating trend against the data
#Boysober: More and more young women are swearing on “detoxification” of men

Difficult times for men. A new dating trend ensures that more and more women swear to the opposite sex. The withdrawal is intended to increase mental well -being.

Loving is not easy. It comes with many pitfalls. Starting with finding someone who is worth loving and at best the affection also replies – honestly replies, without games and insincerities. The gen z is in a reputation to make a lot differently and to break with traditional social behaviors. This also affects dating. Less other generations before, the gen z strives for romantic relationships, and sex also plays a lower role. A new dating approach is now driving this tendency to the extreme. The trend is called “Boysober” and comes almost celibate. It is possible, you could say about detoxification of men.

Like so much, what the gene moves is, “Boysober” is a phenomenon that spills over to us from the USA and is primarily fueled on Tiktok. The associated hashtag reaches millions of followers. “Sober” means “sober”. Interpreted freely, the linguistic Wolpertinger “Boysober” is roughly for: weaning from boys. In practice, it is a temporary departure from a temporary dating. And more and more young women try this out for themselves. On Tikkok, they advertise the trend and report on the positive effects that “detoxification” allegedly has on your well -being.

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The movement started the US comedienne Hope Woodard in 2022, reports the “New York Times”. She shaped the term through her stand-up program, in which she describes her own abstinence as a “boysober”. For a year she had not met men or had sex. According to Woodard, the self -imposed celibacy serves to break away from “drawing false confirmation from dates, situation hips and fucking and instead to apply the energy for others”. Because although the gene is on the flags of being more careful when dealing with themselves and others, it does not mean that they do not have problems with toxic behavior and complicated relationships. Best example: the “situation hip” mentioned.

Another term that the gene has shaped. It is more or less a relationship status that does not know exactly what it is. “In our research we define a situation hip as an ongoing sexual or romantic liaison that lasts six months or more and is not considered to be further by one or both parties,” said Elizabeth Armstrong, sociologist at the University of Michigan, in conversation with the “Business Insider”. In contrast to models that are exclusively sex, the “situation hip” is more of a relationship with the expiration date. And this is often achieved when one of the participants has found a “better” partner. Most of the time everyone involved see themselves as a single.

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“Boysober”: More and more women swear by men

With her idea, Woodard speaks of temporary abstinence, especially people in her 20s. For them, “Boysober” should be a kind of tool that helps to get to know yourself and your own needs better. This should help to be better prepared against toxic behavior and cumbersome relationships. Similar to an alcohol deprivation, the young depreciation is intended to help to free itself from the negative side effects of “consumption”. This means, among other things, a game with closeness and distance, which can cause an emotional roller coaster on the other person. Another positive “Boyober” effect: The break can also help to work against the overwhelming that can arise from excessive meetings. The “young train” gave her the time, reports Woodard to realign her focus and also question her own actions. That year she learned to endure being alone and appreciate friendships.

Toxic dating habits and caught in complicated relationships are not tied to one gender, and women can also cause suffering due to their dating behavior, emphasizes Woodard. Accordingly, men from one year without sex and women, a “girlsber”, could benefit, so to speak. However, the Woodard idea has mainly established itself in the minds of young women.

Source: Stern

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