
Climate activists stopped traffic on the Vienna Belt

Climate activists stopped traffic on the Vienna Belt

Around 8 a.m., activists from the “Last Generation” “locked down” the outer belt at Westbahnhof, among other things. There were about ten demonstrators involved, the police moved out. A traffic jam built up very quickly on the Belt. According to the “Last Generation”, the inner belt on Europaplatz was also blocked.

A driver who was also stuck in a traffic jam then went through his nerves. He pulled a climate activist by the hair and then hit him.

The attack in the video:

After some activists had been in police custody for a very long time on Tuesday, it was initially unclear to what extent today’s action took place. “Handcuffs and prison will certainly not stop us. It’s about our future, it’s about people still being able to have a good life on this earth in a few decades. That’s what we’re fighting for, and we won’t let anyone stop us,” 29-year-old electrical engineer Jacob was combative.

The activists accused the government of “refusal to talk”. “Despite the disastrous greenhouse gas balance and the emerging failure to meet all climate targets, the simplest, cheapest measures such as 100 km/h on the motorway should not even be discussed,” it said in a broadcast by the “Last Generation”.

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Source: Nachrichten

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