
Christmas tree caught fire: terraced house badly damaged

Christmas tree caught fire: terraced house badly damaged

No one was injured and the occupant of the fire apartment was able to leave the house in time. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire. The Viennese professional fire brigade strongly advises against lighting candles on Christmas trees or Advent wreaths now, as they have already dried out.

The essential oils left in needles and trees can easily ignite and lead to catastrophic fires, the fire department warns in a release. The fire in Müller-Guttenbrunn-Strasse showed how quickly the flames can spread. According to fire brigade spokesman Christian Feiler, just a quarter of an hour passed between the alarm and the fire, during which the apartment was severely damaged. At 5.45 p.m. the emergency services moved out. The flames had spread so quickly from the Christmas tree that the ground floor and the floors above were already severely affected by the heat and the smoke from the fire, the fire brigade reported.

The emergency services penetrated to the seat of the fire on the ground floor with an extinguishing line wearing respiratory protection and were able to quickly extinguish the fire. The resident had left the home before the fire department arrived and was being looked after by neighbors.

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Source: Nachrichten

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