
Archaeologists discover another tomb from the time of the Pharaohs in Luxor

Archaeologists discover another tomb from the time of the Pharaohs in Luxor

The excavations are not yet complete, as the head of the antiquities authority, Mustafa Wasiri, announced on Saturday. However, initial finds from the burial chamber indicate that it is a tomb from the 18th dynasty with legendary pharaohs such as Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.

According to Cambridge University’s Piers Litherland, who is leading the team of British researchers on the excavation, it could be the tomb of a queen or princess from the Thutmosid ruling family, very few of which have been unearthed.

Unfortunately, the interior of the tomb is in poor condition, said Egyptian archaeologist Mohsen Kamel. Many components and inscriptions had already been destroyed in ancient times when sand and limestone sediments got into the burial chamber during floods.

Egypt has presented a number of spectacular archaeological finds in recent months, most notably in the sprawling Saqqara necropolis south of Cairo. The authorities hope to use the discoveries to boost tourism, which has been ailing for years.

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Source: Nachrichten

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