
1600 guests celebrated 100 years of the CV Ball

1600 guests celebrated 100 years of the CV Ball

The traditional CV Ball attracted more than 1,600 guests to the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein in Linz on Saturday evening. The organizers welcomed, among others, Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler, Governor Thomas Stelzer, former Governor Josef Pühringer, State Councilor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer and State Secretaries Claudia Plakolm and Florian Tursky. “The CV Ball has been a traditional fixed point in the Upper Austrian ball calendar for 100 years and shows impressively that – despite the two-year Corona break – it has not lost its luster,” said Ball Committee Chairman Leo Jindrak at the opening.

Numerous other representatives from politics, business and society were impressed by the diverse ball programme:
Bishop Manfred Scheuer, Vice Mayor Martin Hajart, OÖVP State Manager Florian Hiegelsberger, WKOÖ Vice President Angelika Sery-Froschauer, Bar Association President Franz Mittendorfer, Medical Association President Peter Niedermoser, ÖH Chair Vanessa Fuchs, RLB General Director Heinrich Schaller, Hypo-OÖ General Director Klaus Kumpfmüller, OÖ-Versicherung general director Othmar Nagl, Salzburg AG CEO Michael Baminger, state police director Andreas Pilsl and many other personalities.

3,800 euros were collected in the raffle for the social project of the Upper Austrian cartels association “Pro Watschinger” in Tanzania. At midnight, the St. Florian Boys’ Choir performed a birthday song for the ball and a musical performance celebrated by the audience.

The most beautiful pictures from the CV-Ball:

Photo gallery: That was the CV ball in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein in Linz

That was the CV ball in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein in Linz

(Photo: cityfoto.at) Picture 1/17

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100 years CV-Ball and 70 years in the Palais Commercial Association

For the first time, a “dance evening with buffet in the Redoutensaal” took place as part of the Upper Austria state CV meeting on September 23 and 24, 1922 in Linz. This dance evening is considered the birth of the CV ball. In 1925 a decision was made that a “CV Ball” is to take place in the first few weeks of January. On January 4th, 1953 the CV-Ball took place for the first time in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein, admission at that time cost 20 schillings. Since then, the ball has always taken place in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein in the first few weeks of January in accordance with a decision made at the time and has only been canceled in the last two years (2021/22) due to Corona.

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Source: Nachrichten

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