
In the snow flurry, “Carlos” found a missing person

In the snow flurry, “Carlos” found a missing person

Police dog Carlos found an 86-year-old missing after an accident in a snowstorm near Graz on Tuesday morning and probably saved his life.

The man had previously crashed his car into several trees and then left the scene of the accident. A witness called the police. During the search, Carlos’ nose proved to be reliable: he sniffed out the missing person two hours after the accident. A witness dialed the police emergency number around 2 a.m. and reported that a car was apparently driving aimlessly on its field in Kainbach near Graz. Patrol officers found that the car had hit several trees. However, the wreck was blocked, and there was no trace of the handlebars.

The police came across the home address of the alleged driver via the license plate. His wife said that her husband had not been available by phone since Monday morning. The officials initiated search measures due to the weather conditions with snowfall at minus temperatures and possible injuries to the man. Shortly after 4 a.m., the Belgian shepherd dog Carlos and his police service dog handler from the “Tasso Graz” service dog station found the man unharmed near the accident site. He seemed disoriented in time and place.

The police officers immediately brought the 86-year-old home. Further investigations into the accident are still to be carried out.

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Source: Nachrichten

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