
Alleged police violence: hearing about an activist’s broken ribs

Alleged police violence: hearing about an activist’s broken ribs

On February 19, 2022, after the protest camp in Lobau had been cleared, the man was taken to the PAZ to establish his identity, where he is said to have “locked himself in” to prevent the officers from taking a photo. A police officer is said to have rammed a knee into his back – the person concerned says that he was “jumped in the back”. This is said to have resulted in a fracture of the eleventh rib and a contusion in the chest, which the police deny.

However, the legal representative of the 50-year-old, the Viennese lawyer Clemens Lahner, relies on a forensic medical report, which he believes supports his client’s presentation in terms of time and the course of events. Criminal proceedings against the police were dropped by the Vienna public prosecutor’s office – according to Lahner, it was not possible to prove which of the three officers in question had carried out the knee blow. In addition to the complaint about measures, Lahner complains that the use of force by the police was not documented at all. A corresponding documentation can not be found in the entire file.

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Source: Nachrichten

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