
Government agrees to higher penalties for child abuse images

Government agrees to higher penalties for child abuse images

According to a Council of Ministers speech presented on Wednesday, higher penalties are planned for possession of such material as well as for production and distribution.

The penalty for possession of pornographic images by consenting minors will be increased from up to one year in prison to up to two years. In the case of underage persons, the penalty will be increased from up to two years to up to three years. Possession of a “multiple representations” should also lead to higher penalties, after which this term must first be defined.

Anyone who produces a large number of pornographic depictions of a minor or offers them to another person is to be punished with imprisonment for a period of between one and five years. Previously this was up to two years. For those who do this for the purpose of dissemination, the minimum penalty is increased from six months to one year. If a large number of depictions of a minor are produced explicitly for the purpose of dissemination, the penalty range is one to ten years imprisonment.

In addition to criminal sanctions, victim protection is being expanded and other measures taken, for example in police work. The measures are to cost a one-off amount of EUR 2.12 million and an additional EUR 9 million annually.

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Source: Nachrichten

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