
“Got a lot of cash”: teenager robbed acquaintance (15)

“Got a lot of cash”: teenager robbed acquaintance (15)
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Image: colourbox.de

When the 16-year-old boys from Wels heard about the money, they decided without further ado to “withdraw” their 15-year-old friend. At a snack bar in Wels, they harassed their victim and demanded his money. Because they were unsuccessful, they punched the 15-year-old from the Wels-Land district in the stomach. Even when he was on the ground, they didn’t let go of him.

The guy finally gave them the cash he had with him. Two passers-by intervened and were able to cause the young robbers to return part of the loot. The duo then ran away, but after an “intensive manhunt” they were picked up and arrested. “When they were questioned, the two mostly confessed,” the state police said. The 16-year-olds were taken to Wels Prison. It is a Turkish and an Austrian citizen, according to the police.

Source: Nachrichten

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