
The DGI increased the monthly minimum VAT quota: which companies were included?

The DGI increased the monthly minimum VAT quota: which companies were included?

When you have ceased to be included in the minimum VAT regime for having exceeded the income limit or for having made use of the option, it will not be possible to be again for at least three years as long as in the third of them, or in one subsequent to it, the amount of income does not exceed 305,000 UI, being a necessary condition in this case that the taxpayer has previously been a minimum VAT.

are excluded of this regime those who obtain income from agricultural activityand non-business activity so be it partially. In addition, the land freight forwardersthe book sellersthe opticsand all those who have decided to pay the IRAE.

Taxpayers who carry out activities authorized by the authorities such as showmen on public roads, may choose until December 31 of the current year to be included in the regimewithout taking into account the amount of income obtained after each fiscal year.

This exception applies to those qualified for the sale of fruits, flowers and vegetables, farm or sea products, sausages and dairy products, among others. Likewise, they must accept the payment of the products through electronic money instruments, debit cards and the Uruguay Social Card (YOUR).

Minimum VAT taxpayers, who meet certain conditions, will pay a reduced fee according to the following scale:

  • He 25% of the fee during the first 12 months from the start of activities.
  • He fifty% of the fee during the second 12 months.
  • He 100% of the quota from the third 12 months.

are exempt:

  • Taxpayers who restart activities.
  • The Anonymous Societiescompanies limited by shares, permanent establishments of non-resident entities in the Republic, autonomous entities and decentralized services that make up the industrial and commercial domain of the State, closed investment credit funds and trusts (with the exception of warranty).

In turn, for those who document their operations exclusively through the Electronic billing A ceiling is established on the monthly minimum VAT fee, and the lesser of the following amounts must be paid:

  • He 3.3% of income each month.
  • The corresponding amount according to the start of activities (25%, 50% or 100% of the fixed fee).

In addition, taxpayers of minimum VAT with transfer are excluded taximeter.

Who must submit an Affidavit?

Regarding the presentation of the Affidavit, the DGI clarifies that:

  • The companies sole proprietorships must not submit sworn statements.
  • The de facto partnerships and civil partnerships made up of resident natural persons, they will present the sworn declaration of the wealth tax assigning the wealth to the partners that integrate them, who will compute the same in their personal liquidation.
  • The remaining taxpayers (for example: Anonymous Societies, limited liability companies) must liquidate and pay the wealth tax.

Should they invoice with VAT?

Taxpayers included in the Minimum VAT regime they should not invoice the Value Added Tax corresponding to your operations. The VAT of the purchases made to carry out the activity cannot be deducted and will constitute a cost for the company, which will be obliged to document its operations.

The documentation issued by these taxpayers must include a box with the phrase: “TAXPAYER INCLUDED IN LITERAL E OF ARTICLE 52 OF TITLE 4 OF TO 1996”.

In the case of issuing documentation electronically, the legend must be included in the printed representation: “MINIMUM VAT Taxpayer”.

What are the payment methods?

The payment methods enabled are the following:

  • in premises Abitab either RedPayments.
  • Online via Banred and banks adhered to the system.
  • online with Electronic Credit Certificates (SCC).
  • At the DGI offices.

Source: Ambito

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