
Is the government coalition in danger?

Is the government coalition in danger?

As one of the examples that he gave to account for these differences, he put on the table the case of the law for the restructuring of the debts of natural persons that CA promoted in the Parliament, but that it was “boxed” by the other coalition parties and rejected by the government’s economic team.

irreconcilable differences

For Manini Ríos, parties have different views on people’s problems. Not only with respect to the debt restructuring project, but also in other initiatives that are a priority for the lobbyists, such as the frustrated forest land project, vetoed by the president Luis Lacalle Pou.

“We could also talk about drug policies, shared possession, the account of recent history or the measures taken to end this revenge that those who have not yet been able to get out of the fracture of history are carrying out,” he mentioned. Also in relation to the “gender ideology” that “scandalizes us and that we have described as perverse.”

With so many deep differences that exist in the coalition regarding the directions to be taken, the agreement sought by some sectors would be impossible. Although the CA leader acknowledged that there are important coincidences that also make it possible to remain in the government coalition: “respect for individual liberty and private property, valuing individual effort as a way to get ahead in life.” Essential points that, he maintained, “unite the Republican coalition.”

However, he insisted on his different positions and made it clear that the Cabildo Abierto will not give up on them.

Source: Ambito

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