
Housewife wanted to “buy” Covid vaccination: process

Housewife wanted to “buy” Covid vaccination: process
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Image: VOLKER Weihbold

On November 11, 2021, the woman offered a doctor 300 euros in a vaccination container in Vienna-Liesing if he entered her as vaccinated in the vaccination register and spared her the vaccination.

The accused confessed on Wednesday to attempted bribery of officials and falsification of evidence. “The mood was gloomy back then,” her defense attorney recalled when the pandemic and buzzwords such as corona numbers, lockdown and traffic restrictions dominated the headlines. The sad situation threatened the economic existence of his client’s family. The woman couldn’t find a job because potential employers had asked for proof of vaccination against Covid-19.

“I was under pressure. I was looking for a job at the time. Every employer insisted on proof of vaccination,” said the accused, who was apparently very afraid of the vaccination. After she had handed over her data to an administrator in the vaccination container and the doctor who was supposed to vaccinate her began his consultation, the woman suddenly had her wallet in her hand and opened it. “She became very tearful and said that if she gets the vaccination she will die,” the doctor said immediately after the bribery attempt. More than 300 euros were in the stock exchange: “She said I should take as much money as I want.”

In view of the extensively confessed and remorseful responsibility – the accused also left a “definitely battered impression” on the judge, as she noted – and the previous blamelessness of the woman, the criminal proceedings were settled diversionally. The accused was fined 400 euros, which she paid immediately after the hearing in the accounting office at the regional court. In return, the complaint was shelved and the proceedings were discontinued. The woman, who has meanwhile found a part-time job, is therefore still considered to be irreproachable in court. The prosecutor agreed with this course of action. The decision is therefore final. “Thank you. I’ll never do that again,” the woman said before exiting the courtroom.

Source: Nachrichten

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