
Pereira criticized the tax policy and said that a little piece is returned to the population

Pereira criticized the tax policy and said that a little piece is returned to the population

The president of the Broad Front remarked that the most affected sectors were tourism, gastronomy and also retirement and pensions.

The president of the Broad Front (FA), Fernando Pereiracriticized the ruling party with respect to the return of taxes that it classifies as “a little piece” a little before the start of the electoral campaign.

According to the president of the FA, in conversation with the radio program Nada que perder, the government collected 65 million dollars per year for changes in personal income tax, 35 millions due to a fall in the VAT refund and 12 millions for the covid-19 tax. Pereira remarked that there are approximately 300 million more in collections, but they give back to the population “a little bit” because the electoral campaign is approaching.

However, according to Pereira, the Uruguayans lost 700 million dollars for the wage arrears in your income that, supposedly the government, would recover in the last month of the administration of the presidency of Luis Lacalle Pou, where the most affected were the tourism and gastronomy sector, as well as retirement and pensions.

But Pereira remarked that, although the growth of the Uruguayan economy will be of 10 percent, that recovery would not be the same for everyone since some sectors such as tourism and gastronomy would not achieve the expected recovery. This delay also affects retirement and pensions since, according to the political leader, they have been dragging for more than 5 years, while during the Broad Front governorships retirements tripled.

The advice given by the leader is that governments should apply distributive policies in order to make it possible for the distribution of wealth to be more equitable. “The entire country wants tourism to serve 4 million visitors again as in previous years, but decisions must be made so that the cutting-edge productive sectors, in addition to growing, have distribution mechanisms,” remarked the president of the Broad Front .

Source: Ambito

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