
Fossati, to a meeting to know his future

Fossati, to a meeting to know his future

The prosecutor of the Court Juan Gómez summoned the magistrate in charge of the Astesiano case to a meeting for Monday at 11. The head of the Public Ministry had stated that there was a “real possibility” of removing her from the investigation.

The prosecutor of the Court, Juan Gomezsummoned the prosecutor Gabriela Fossati to a meeting on Monday at 11, after he publicly expressed the “real possibility” of transferring the magistrate in charge of the Astesian case towards another Prosecutor’s Office

The week ended just as complex for Fossati: after having returned from his medical leave a week earlier than expected, with a complaint against him made by Diego Camanothe lawyer of the Frente Amplio leader Gustavo Loyal, and a report for a situation of gender violence experienced by his colleague Fernando Romano, The prosecutor who is on everyone’s lips ended her working day with the news of the meeting that awaits her in the early hours of next week.

Strictly speaking, and although the reason for the summons is not known, movements were expected after Gómez considered in television statements that “a series of situations have arisen that, as director of the service, I have to take into account at the moment to adopt resolutions”, and advanced: “Have no doubt that I am going to adopt them”.

Said series of situations may include the leaking of an audio in which the prosecutor in the Astesiano case said she did not want to “immolate herself” for the investigation and that there were “stones in the way” that prevented her from continuing the case —whose main branch abruptly culminated in the agreement of an abbreviated trial in which the former head of presidential security, Alexander Astesiano, was sentenced to four years in prison—; the prosecutor’s desire to be removed from the case; and the recent administrative investigation that began after the magistrate reported having suffered mistreatment by her colleague from the Flagrancy Prosecutor’s Office 9th shift.

Romano will not investigate Fossati’s complaint

On the other hand, Romano was removed from the case denounced by Fossati for an alleged crime of defamation and insults committed by the president of the broad front, Fernando Pereira, Director of Faces and masks, Alberto Grille, and three users of social networks.

The decision was his and he communicated it to the owner of the Public ministrywho in turn understood that it was not “logical” for the prosecutor to continue leading the case after Fossati’s complaint of gender violence to Romano.

Pereira criticized the prosecutor on February 22 on television, when he said that he had not “acted according to the law.” “He has not told Leal why he was under investigation,” added the leader of the Broad Front.

As for Grille, he published a column under the title “The law cannot be twisted”, in which he criticized Fossati for the abbreviated process achieved with the defense of the ex-custodian Astesiano.

Source: Ambito

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