Pilot project to find solutions for social economy

Pilot project to find solutions for social economy

Participation is also possible online.
Image: APA/dpa/Lino Mirgeler

A “unique project in Austria” should bring a new form of cooperation between social science, science, business and society: With the help of “Update Social – 48 hours of social innovations”, innovative projects for the social economy should be created, it was said at a press conference yesterday in Linz, in which, among others, Governor Thomas Stelzer and Social Affairs Minister Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (both VP) took part.

1000 euro recognition prize

The project covers several topics such as care and support, inclusive society and work in the social sector. In a multi-stage process, challenges are to be collected by April and then developed into solution ideas and finally into concrete concepts. From these, a jury selects five concepts for a recognition award of 1,000 euros each. Organizations from civil society, citizens, scientists and representatives of public administration can take part.

  • OO today: New ideas for the care and social sector are to be collected for the “Update Social – 48 hours of social innovations” project.

In the preparatory phase, which runs until mid-April, alliances are to be formed and finally concrete ideas are to be generated in the ideas workshop held in the Linz Innovation Center (21 to 23 April). Participants can attend on-site or online. This weekend, i.e. within 48 hours, the aim is to generate new ideas and develop them as a concept to finally submit it. A jury then chooses five recognition prizes from all of the concepts.

In the implementation phase, which will take place from May to September, the project teams will then be supported in their work. Five implementation grants totaling 20,000 euros will be awarded for this purpose.

  • Participate can citizens, organizations from civil society, science and representatives of public administration. Registrations at info@updatesocial.org

Source: Nachrichten

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