
Maldonado radars have excellent results, according to Antía

Maldonado radars have excellent results, according to Antía

The Municipality of Maldonado carried out a first evaluation of the electronic control system for traffic violations, and analyzed concerns and points to improve.

Courtesy: Maldonado.gob.uy

The Municipality of Maldonado (IDM) It continues to advance in the implementation of the new electronic control system for traffic violations. For this, authorities of the General Directorate of Transit and Transport and representatives of the directorates of Urbanism, Planning and Works They met with the community chief. Enrique Antia, with the objective of analyzing the project and the points to improve in it.

Since last March 1, the radars located in the department issue fines, mainly, to those who exceed the speed limits or pass red lights. More than two months after its effective implementation, the IDM carried out a first evaluation of the system.

In this sense, Antía highlighted as the main point the high compliance with the system that has yielded results in terms of the reduction of accidents and violent collisions, something that rated as “excellent”. Along the same lines, “he excused himself from giving more details since to evaluate you have to wait at least six months.”

Concerns, errors and issues to improve

The mayor also referred to the radar flash at traffic lightssomething that represents several concerns in drivers —as they have duly expressed to the IDM— and explained that “when a vehicle is stopped at a traffic light and the white line that determines where to stop must be passed by a few centimeters, the radar flashes, but this does not imply a fine”. However, “if the driver crosses the line with yellow, that does qualify as an infraction”.

He also mentioned errors in old signage that was left in the apartment and is contradictory with the new one that has been installed. In this sense, it was detected that in the same area, to one side and to the other, there are maximums of 45 and 60 kilometers per hour, which is why a survey of everything placed will be carried out.

For Antía, the key lies in analyzing the areas and looking for the perfection of the system that is still in the installation phase because there are between eight and nine radars that remain to be installed, and another 10 located on national routes that require the final approval of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP)but that they are working and sending information.

The mayor maintained that a problem was detected with the motorcycles and personally requested that they be identified separately from the other vehicles, given that the biggest violation of the boulevard traffic light Artigas and avenue aiguá it is one of the birrodados.

Source: Ambito

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