
Video: The identitarian bus rolled towards the Wels city council

Video: The identitarian bus rolled towards the Wels city council
Green politician Rammerstorfer was unharmed in the incident.
Image: OÖN

On Thursday, unbelievable scenes happened on the Wels town square: A video sent to the OÖN by the Wels Greens shows how a right-wing extremist “Identitarian” bus reverses on the square – although Green City Councilor Thomas Rammerstorfer is standing directly behind the vehicle and is pushed back by it.

Rammerstorfer confirmed the incident on OÖN request. He was in the town square around 1:30 p.m. and saw that the identitarian bus had been parked in the pedestrian zone in front of the parish church. They had held an information event there. “So I went and asked if the event was registered and if you could park there. That’s actually forbidden,” says Rammerstorfer.

While he was talking to one of the identities, the bus suddenly started to move backwards, even though Rammerstorfer was standing directly behind the rear of the vehicle. The video clearly shows how the bus continued to reverse after a short break, although Rammerstorfer had already been pushed by the vehicle. Although he could see it, an Identitarian in the video appeared to be hand-gesturing the bus driver to continue backing up. Only after Rammerstorfer had been pushed back several meters did the bus stop. The OÖN shortened parts of the video to protect the rights of those filmed.

Legal action announced

Rammerstorfer was not injured in the incident. He announces legal action against the Identitarians. “We will bring a statement of facts to the public prosecutor’s office, probably because of attempted serious bodily harm,” says Rammerstorfer. It wasn’t his goal for the situation to escalate like this. “I was surprised myself that it came to this,” he says.

Source: Nachrichten

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