
After fake letters: FPÖ sued “Die Tagespresse”

After fake letters: FPÖ sued “Die Tagespresse”
The reason is FPÖ fake letters to restaurateurs in the state in connection with the inn bonus announced by black and blue.
Image: Volker Weihbold

It’s about 47,500 euros, omission and publication of the judgment, the state party confirmed on Monday on request. The satire portal itself had previously announced that a lawsuit had been filed with the Vienna Commercial Court. The reason is FPÖ fake letters to restaurateurs in the state in connection with the inn bonus announced by black and blue. The lawsuit states that the request for injunctive relief is valued at EUR 40,000 and the right to have the judgment published at EUR 7,500. The Freedom Party announced on April 11 that the planned tavern premium would be denigrated. At the same time, they warned against the fake letters. The following day, the satirical portal revealed itself as the author of the letters to 500 bars.

“‘Die Tagespresse’ wanted to help and give the Freedom Party a helping hand. We’re going to do it ourselves to keep the FPÖ promises,” it said. In order to get the addresses of the inns, ChatGPT had a web crawler programmed. The logo of the FPÖ Lower Austria was used, and the address of the liberal state office in St. Pölten was given as the sender. The letter announced an anonymous visit by an employee of a supposedly newly created “Department for the Promotion of Patriotic Food Culture”. A “red-white-red children’s menu” was given as a criterion for assessing whether the business was suitable for the tavern premium, in addition to a “breading quota”: “Your children’s menu contains a Pinocchio pasta or Arielle fish fingers? Try it try the Andreas Hofer schnitzel or the Gabalier meatball,” read.

Source: Nachrichten

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