
A man was dragged to death by 40 crocodiles

A man was dragged to death by 40 crocodiles

A 72-year-old man died after falling inside the enclosure reserved for animals on his family farm. An animal grabbed the stick he was using and dragged him into the enclosure.

a man of 72 years died in Cambodia torn to pieces by some 40 crocodilesafter falling into the enclosure reserved for animals in its reptile family farmlocal police said.

The man was trying to get a crocodile from a cage in which it had just laid eggs when the animal grabbed the stick it was using and dragged it into the enclosure, according to the news agency. AFP. The reptiles then pounced on him and tore him to pieces, leaving the place covered in blood, he explained. May Savrypolice chief of Siem Reap.



The official said that the remains of the man were covered in bites, and that the animals tore off and ate one of his arms.

nile crocodile.jpg

Nile crocodile.

National Geographic

A town where there was already antecedents

At another farm in the same town, a two-year-old girl was eaten by crocodiles in 2019the police chief recalled. Siem Reap It is the city of access to the famous ruins of Angkor Watand has numerous crocodile farms, which are raised in the area for sale. eggs, skin and meat.

Source: Ambito

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