Exactly one week after the premiere of the first film about ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), director Kurt Langbein’s film premiered on Wednesday evening in Vienna’s Gartenbaukino. “Ballhausplatz project” aims to take a critical look at the era of the ex-ÖVP boss, as Langbein made clear again at the premiere. In contrast to “Short”-Starting a week ago, the ÖVP celebrities didn’t appear this time.
Kurz himself had already spoken at the premiere of the film by director Sascha Köllnreitner (title: “Short”) – who is classified by observers as Kurz-friendly – declared that he would not look at Langbein’s work. Unlike Köllnreitner, he also rejected Langbein’s interview requests. Langbein didn’t give him the impression “lens” Kurz justified this decision. Like the ex-ÖVP boss, all of the turquoise celebrities stayed away from the Langbein premiere. At the premiere of the Köllnreitner film, however, the crowd appeared almost entirely closed – from the current members of the government to party grandees such as National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka.
Director regrets Kurz’s absence
Langbein said he regretted Kurz’s absence and interview rejection because he would have liked to ask him: “what the background is for his ambitions to seize power and stay in power.” He would also have liked to know “why he deals with facts and the truth in such a memorably problematic way and why demagoguery is the most appropriate means”to do politics. “And whether he really intends to go back into politics, because he behaves as if he does.”
Langbein considers the competing film to be a preparatory measure for a comeback. “A manager who does international business doesn’t behave like that.” Kurz, on the other hand, is looking for the public to act as “a kind of statesman”let “produce a film in no time”to forward “Ballhausplatz project” to come onto the screen. He was a little at first “frightened” been, “because the intention was to dig up the water”. “Now I see that the attention has increased, I would like to thank everyone involved.”
Work out the secret to success
reason for that “Ballhausplatz”-Film was to work out, “what the secret of Sebastian Kurz’s success is”. In Langbein’s opinion, what remains of his era is primarily the spread of exclusion of the socially disadvantaged, refugees and foreigners. “He took political communication far to the right and brought xenophobia to the center of society, but not much else.”
On the part of the ÖVP, only ex-EU Commissioner Franz Fischler strayed into the Gartenbaukino, who had already made critical comments about the Kurz era in the past. He initially had high hopes for Kurz, said Fischler when he arrived. However, this then turned into one “developed its own direction”. Be short like a New Year’s Eve rocket “started steeply upwards” and then quickly hit the ground again with a huge bang “into the dark” fallen, Fischler repeated a comparison made last year. However, he believes that Kurz’s comeback is entirely possible: If the legal proceedings end well for Kurz, then a return is possible “most likely”.
These were the celebrities at the premiere
Numerous protagonists of the film also came to the premiere of the approximately 100-minute collage of archive material and interviews with observers: In addition to the journalist Barbara Toth, the NEOS National Council members Stephanie Krisper and Helmut Brandstätter also graced the cinema on Ringstrasse. Also present on Wednesday evening was the media scientist Fritz Hausjell, who was represented by Köllnreitner “Short”-Film had been interviewed, but then (probably because of rather critical comments about the so-called “Message control” the turquoise) did not appear in the film.
Among the premiere guests were the Vienna city councilor Veronica Kaup-Hasler (SPÖ), ex-Green MP Karl Öllinger and the writer Robert Menasse.
They were all given a model of the infamous one in front of the cinema “Geilomobils” presented – the Hummer brand off-road vehicle with which Kurz once posed as the young JVP boss (under the slogan “Black makes you horny”). As an analogy to the moral deconstruction of the Kurz phenomenon that the film aims to achieve, such a car is dismantled in the film. This was repeated, at least to some extent, in front of the cinema: mechanics dismantled one of the vehicle’s doors, which attracted media attention.
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Source: Nachrichten