The Federation of Rural Associations of Expanded Mercosur (FARM) issued a common statement after the meeting of the nine organizations, and once again warned about protectionist regulations.
The Federation of Rural Associations of Expanded Mercosur (FARM) He again expressed his “great concern” about the environmental initiatives promoted by blocks and countries that, as they understand, harm agricultural producers in South America and, therefore, also Uruguay.
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The FARM brings together nine agricultural unions in the regionamong which are the Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU) and the Rural Federation (FR). Within the framework of the Expo Prado 2023which served as the venue for the closing cycle of meetings held at livestock exhibitions in the countries of the Mercosur, expressed its “great concern about the environmental initiatives that are being promoted by important blocks and countries in the production and trade of agricultural goods and services, both in international forums and in unilateral actions based on protectionist regulations that affect our region“.
The most immediate example is the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union (EU) that both blocs are trying to finish signing after 25 years of negotiations. However, the environmental demands proposed from the European continent and the resistance, for example, of Brazil, They are causing delays. In this context, the claims of the agricultural unions of the region are also inserted.
“We confirm the principle of common but differentiated responsibilitieswhere developed countries and industrial-based economies clearly must ‘pay’ for this great challenge of becoming a carbon neutral world“, expressed the FARM through a statement, aligning itself with an environmentalist perspective that is gaining strength among Latin American countries and other developing markets.
“Our countries, agricultural base, we are the only ones capable of capturing carbon under our sustainable production systemsbiologically based and with potential sinks such as our soils and forest systems,” added the Federation.
Science and technology in the livestock industry
Another topic that was discussed at Expo Prado among the representatives of the agricultural unions grouped in the FARM was the fact of the technology incorporation and the transformation of productive systems in sustainable systems. In that sense, the Federation pointed out that “we producers are making the greatest efforts”, so it is necessary that the “‘systemic services'” that agriculture provides today are recognized and result in market benefits”.
“We emphasize that the decisions based on science is the way to follow, and we reject any ideologically based initiative or sectoral interest that deviates from this premise and aims at particular interests over the common good,” the nine organizations stated in the common statement.
Finally, the text concludes: “From the FARM we urge coordination based on the public-private cooperation at the regional level our actions as agro-exporters of food and bioenergyand the contribution to food security and climate action worldwide, essential to position our countries in this very complex context of production and environment.”
Source: Ambito