
Cabildo Abierto moves away from its plebiscite and urges its activists to obtain signatures

Cabildo Abierto moves away from its plebiscite and urges its activists to obtain signatures

Open Town Hall (CA) begins the final period of its campaign to gather signatures for the plebiscite that seeks the restructuring of debts of natural persons, with less than a month to present the total number of adhesions in the Electoral Court and, still, needing to gather 100,000 more signatures. “We must redouble our efforts,” they ask the militancy throughout Uruguay, against the clock

He plebiscite “For a fair debt”which seeks to generate changes in the financial system and put limits on the usury of banks and financial companies in a context of overindebtedness of the Uruguayans – after failing as a bill in the Parliament- seems to be a very difficult goal to achieve for Town meeting. Of the 270,000 signatures necessary to enable the popular consultation in October, 100,000 are still missing, according to the party leader, Guido Manini Ríos.

The forecasts are not the best: in the last month, the lobbyists would have gathered, in the best of cases, about 20,000 signatures, considering that the figure reported at the end of February had been 150,000 officially counted adhesions. This, in addition, in the midst of Manini Ríos’ statement that they were experiencing “a greening and a very big boost” in the campaign.

In that sense, the lobbyist leader and senator asked the militancy to “reinforce” efforts to achieve the objective, “a golden opportunity” to put an end to “the very harsh conditions imposed by lenders.” Sectors of Town meeting they entrusted Ambit which, however, do not expect to reach the necessary number of signatures.

The campaign to achieve the goal

In addition to Manini Ríos’ request to the militancy, the senator and former minister of Housing and Territorial Development (MVOT), Irene Moreira, shared a video on his social networks in which he also asked to “redouble the effort.” “I know they did a lot, but we are already in the final stretch,” she recalled, in relation to the April 27 deadline they have to present all the signatures.

“We need them, not for ourselves, but for that means Uruguay “who is today in debt head and toe,” Moreira added in the message, referring to the situation of over-indebtedness experienced by 1.5 million Uruguayans, of which 700,000 are classified as irrecoverable.

For his part, Manini Ríos also pointed out that there is a “recrudescence of hostility” towards Town meeting, since “there are interests that feel touched, for the first time questioned out loud.” “They got used to doing what they wanted for a long time without anyone saying anything,” said the senator, encouraging them to continue the campaign to gather signatures.

A few days ago, the lobby leader had warned that “if this train passes and we lose this possibility, the only thing we will have left in the future is to complain, to complain until the last day of our lives.”

Meanwhile, one of the most surprising accessions was that of the mayor of Peach and representative of National Party, Carmelo Vidalín.

Source: Ambito

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