
There are 100 flags flying next to the S10 construction site

There are 100 flags flying next to the S10 construction site
The flags are part of a bird protection measure.

What are the many flags on the pegs at the S10 North construction site actually used for? Many drivers who drive on the B310 near the town of Vierzwei have been asking themselves this question for a few days now. The answer: The approximately 100 flags serve as a deterrent for ground-nesting bird species. This is intended to prevent ground-nesting birds from building their nests in places where the newly hatched offspring would not have a quiet nursery due to the construction noise.

The flags that have been erected are part of the compensatory and protective measures that were set out in the environmental impact assessment. According to Asfinag: “We do not want to disturb the birds in their breeding season during the necessary construction work. This would lead to irritation for the young birds.” All of this is a temporary measure until July. The birds would then be able to stay undisturbed again in the meadows around the fourteen tunnel portal.

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Source: Nachrichten

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