
Great weather on Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday will also be sunny

Great weather on Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday will also be sunny
Little Easter bunny helpers can also enjoy the sun on the weekend before the weather changes again.

Air masses from Western Europe have been dominating our weather patterns for weeks. At the moment there are warm currents from southern Spain that could be blowing dust from the Sahara to us, says Maximilian Stärz, meteorologist at Geosphere Austria. This dust can cloud the sky a little, which has a slightly cooling effect. The warm air from the southwest has been accumulating on the south side of the Alps for days and is falling towards the valley on the north side as a foehn wind.

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It is therefore warmer than average at the moment. Today the 25 degree mark could even be broken; at this temperature we are already talking about a summer day. However, Stärz does not see the March record from 1977 at risk. At that time the thermometer climbed on March 24th. in Weyer to 26.3 degrees.

“We will reach 25 degrees or a little more.” Today the foehn can reach peaks of around 60 kilometers per hour. Windischgarsten, for example, is a place where the downwind tends to blow a little stronger.

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Tomorrow’s Easter Sunday should be very similar, says Stärz. It will be dry and sunny all day, with fodries remaining. The temperatures are a bit cooler, reaching five to eleven degrees in the morning and 18 to 23 degrees in the afternoon. The weather should be ideal for hiking or cycling. “Storms should be taken into account when hiking in the mountains,” warns the meteorologist.

Cold front on Monday night

The change in the weather follows the night of Easter Monday after the foehn has reached its peak. A western cold front from the Atlantic kitchen will bring us rains that will spread across the entire country. The maximum values ​​on the second day of Easter should still reach more than 15 degrees, the morning temperatures are between six and 13 degrees.

On Tuesday the week after the holidays starts cloudy, rainy and partly stormy. Every now and then the sun shines out and it stays mild at up to 14 degrees. The early values ​​are two to six degrees. The weather is likely to be windy and unstable in the coming days. (staro)

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Source: Nachrichten

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