
The Broad Front ratified the freedom of action in the face of the PIT-CNT plebiscite

The Broad Front ratified the freedom of action in the face of the PIT-CNT plebiscite

Based on the need to highlight the unity of the party, beyond the ideological differences that exist within it – a characteristic that since the Broad Front They consider it an advantage – the opposition statement gives its voters freedom of action.

“We reached an agreement to move forward in the implementation of freedom of action with the aim of moving forward unit our path to victory in the October elections to conquer the National government. Freedom of action is, as we stated in the resolution of October 2023 – which we ratify in all its terms – the recognition of the diversity of positions that coexist in our political force on the plebiscite,” the statement states.

“It is necessary to recognize the will of the sectors that make up the political force when it comes to enveloping the ballot for the plebiscite on social security reform or not doing so with the lists that will be distributed in the common spaces,” he added.

In this sense, the letter also expresses great pride in how they overcame the differences within the party. “We make a highly positive assessment of the way in which the Frente Amplio members have managed to articulate our differences with a fundamental contribution from the grassroots structure at the territorial level,” it states.

The need for change

On the other hand, the letter highlights the need for a change in the social security system. “The Social Dialogue that the Broad Front proposes seeks a comprehensive reform, as a response to the regressive law approved by the government and not in opposition to the constitutional reform process promoted by social and political organizations,” he explains.

“Our political force has an unequivocal position regarding the need to move forward with a comprehensive transformation of social security. The changes in the world of work, the recognition of the need to guarantee people’s effective right to care and the political will to reverse the harmful effects of the current government’s reform have a clear and forceful response from our political force,” he added.

Source: Ambito

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