
Open Town Hall debates promoting the declaration of a security emergency

Open Town Hall debates promoting the declaration of a security emergency

The candidate for Open Town Hall (CA) proposed the declaration of a security emergency and the party is analyzing the possibility of carrying it out, meanwhile, Guido Manini Rios also recommended that the Armed forces work together with the Ministry of the Interior on this matter.

“We must study the possibility of declaring the national emergency in terms of security, something that was planned in the commitment for the country signed in 2019,” said the presidential candidate.

In this regard, the security advisory team Open Town Hall will analyze the situation and in the next few hours will establish the measures that they consider should be applied by the government.

On the other hand, Manini Ríos proposed that the Armed forces They should have a greater role in security and work together with the Home Office“A role that does not distort their actions, that is in accordance with their training, their equipment, their weapons, their way of acting, but we believe that they have a very important role in complementing the Ministry of the Interior,” he commented.

Data from the Ministry of the Interior

In mid-July, the head of the Interior portfolio, Nicolas Martinellipresented the latest half-yearly data of crimes in the country, after public safety became one of the main campaign issues ahead of the general elections in October.

Martinelli reported a general drop in reports of all crimes during the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2023, where a 5.8% drop in the homicides. Minister Martinelli clarified that 57% of these cases have already been resolved by the courts.

The number of complaints for homicide They totaled about 180, about 11 fewer than in the first half of last year, although about 8 more than in 2019, before the current government came to power.

In turn, complaints about theft The number of robberies fell from 59,559 in the first six months of 2023 to 55,090 in the current year, a decrease of 7.5%. On the other hand, there was a sharp drop in robberies (25%), and an even greater drop in cattle rustling, reaching 29.3%.

Source: Ambito

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