The OAS called for an extraordinary meeting to analyze the situation in the country

The OAS called for an extraordinary meeting to analyze the situation in the country

August 15, 2024 – 11:10 PM

During the meeting, a project will be discussed that urges the CNE to “expeditiously publish the minutes with the results of the presidential election votes at the level of each electoral table.”

More than three weeks after the controversial elections in Venezuela, with strong allegations of fraud by the president Nicolas Maduro by opponents and by Governments from different parts of the world, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) called an extraordinary meeting to analyze a draft resolution on the situation in the country.

At the request of the United States, the meeting will be held at the organization’s headquarters in Washington.

The draft resolution urges the National Electoral Council (CNE) Venezuelan that “promptly publish the minutes with the results of the presidential election vote at the level of each polling station” and allow “a impartial verification of results“.

The document, presented by the United States to the OAS, also received the support of Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Suriname and Uruguay.

Strong repression in Venezuelan elections

The text asks the Maduro government to respect “the right to assemble peacefully” without reprisals, “not to be subjected to arbitrary arrests or imprisonment” and to have a “fair trial”, following the UN report that reported “human rights violations”

On the other hand, it requests local authorities to “protect diplomatic facilities and personnel residing in Venezuelan territory” and affirms the commitment of the American organization to “remain attentive to the situation” in Venezuela.

The electoral crisis sparked protests in which 25 people were killed and more than 2,400 arrested.

The Permanent Council of the OAS met 15 days ago to study a resolution calling for transparency from the Maduro government. The text was rejected because it did not obtain the majority of votes from the 34 member countries.

Among those who voted against were Brazil and Colombia, which on Thursday suggested repeating the elections in Venezuela.

Source: Ambito

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