The presidential candidate of the political force, Yamandú Orsi, criticized the different positions on the issue by the different parties.
He presidential candidate of the Frente Amplio (FA), Yamandú Orsisaid that the ruling parties have “a huge mess” with the insecuritysince there are antagonistic positions around the issue between the different forces that make up the governing alliance.
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This Sunday, the presidential formula of the FA gave a press conference in the department of Rochawhere she was critical of the different voices that emerge from the ranks of the government. “The governing parties are in a terrible mess, where some are asking to declare a state of emergency and others are saying ‘we are doing great’,” Orsi remarked.
“First you have to be clear about where you want to go,” insisted the former mayor of Cannelloni who believes that “the solution” to the problem of public safety must be developed through an agreement between “the entire political class”, since “the solution is not for five years.”
However, he said that “of course, those who govern have to lead the way and set the course,” and that they must come to power “by setting or being clear about what the criminal policy is.” “In this case, each of the parties has to do its part, but there are levels of agreement that are more than essential.”
The role of Justice in a possible Frente Amplio government
On the other hand, the Frente Amplio candidate recalled that one of the campaign proposals is to create a “Ministry of Justice.” In this sense, the FA candidate expressed that knowing where they want to go implies a “determined criminal policy” and even “what we are going to do with Justice,” more specifically with “prisons” and the “fight against crime.”
Orsi added that over the last period, he noticed “a positive change of attitude” in the government by calling on the opposition to discuss solutions to address the insecurity. “On this issue of security, due to the speeches of the last campaign, this government went so far as to make moves within the Ministry (from the Interior) that had more to do with partisan decisions than with professional level. We are not going to do that, those who know, know, and are there for that,” he stressed.
Source: Ambito