The oldest man in the world revealed the secrets to living more than 100 years

The oldest man in the world revealed the secrets to living more than 100 years

The man was born in the city of Liverpool and is the veteran survivor of the Second World War largest in the world. In statements, the old man revealed how he managed to live more than 100 years.

The life of John Tinniswood, the world’s oldest man

As a young man, Tinniswood worked in an administrative position at the Army Pay Corpsa branch of the British Army that deals with financial matters. There, it located stranded soldiers and organised food supplies.

John Tinniswood.jpg

John Tinniswood is 112 years old.

He then met his wife Blowden and married her in 1942. A year later, their daughter Susan was born and the couple enjoyed 44 years of marriage before her death in 1986. After the end of the war, John worked as an accountant for Shell and BP, retiring in 1972.

According to the world’s longest-living man, he was always “quite active as a young man” and walked a lot. However, he assured that He never believed he was “different from others”“You either live long or you live short, and there’s not much you can do about it,” he added.

As for their diet, Tinniswood said: never had “a special diet” and eats what they give him.

Expert opinion on long-lived people

Bradley Elliott, Professor of Human Physiology and researcher in the field of aging biology at the University of Westminster, explained in an article in The Conversation that people who live many years are known as “survivor bias”.

This phenomenon occurs when counting “only those who are close to being counted, but ignoring those who have not ‘survived’.” “There are phenomenal examples of older human beings, many of whom are Faster, fitter and stronger than I do in many measurements we do in the laboratory, despite being twice my age,” he added.

In that sense, he explained the fact that people live for many years. It is not directly related to whether they have had good health“we cannot say directly that one causes the other“, held.

In this way, he explained that “it could be that people very active are protected against chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. But it could also be that these people remain active in old age because they have not suffered from cancer, diabetes or heart disease earlier in their lives.”

However, the expert assures that at an individual level other factors also intervene, such as: luck and not just factors that can improve health and life expectancy.

Source: Ambito

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