After appealing directly to the Senate of the Nation for the treatment of educational financing law which obtained half sanction in the House of Representatives, the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) declared a state of alert due to the lack of budget that the public universities from all over the country. This Friday at noon there will be a mobilization to the Scientific-Technological Pole.
Through a resolution signed by its High Councilthe UBA warned the authorities of National Interuniversity Council that the “President of the R&D+i Agency reported that the organization she presides is not in a position to meet all of the obligations previously contractedand did not express any certainty about new financing.”
In addition to highlighting the “reduction of doctoral scholarships awarded“, the “lack of incorporation of researchers whose income has already been approved in the CONICET” and the emptying of the National Institute of Industrial Technologyit was noted that the current Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology “has executed less than 5% of its budget allocated at the national level and none of the support and financing programs of the scientific system have continued.”
It was in this context that the UBA resolved “declare a state of alert regarding the situation of the national scientific and technological system and request the national government to arbitrate, through the relevant areas, the urgent recomposition of the system in compliance with the provisions of Law 27,614.”
Senate speeds up approval of educational funding
This Thursday, one of the demands of authorities and workers of universities throughout the country took place in the Senate of the Nation: was formed Education and Culture Committee and the Buenos Aires native was chosen as the starter Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, who specified the action plan to try to obtain the sanction of the educational financing law next week.
Wado de Pedro Senate
Senate Education and Culture Committee.
The senator of Union for the Homeland He noted that he will call for a plenary session of committees for Tuesday, September 3, and with the presence of representatives of Budget and Financewill seek to reach the ruling without modifications of what was sanctioned in Deputies. From there, he will seek to convene a session 48 hours later, to consolidate the approval of the law in the chamber.
The project, which was awarded the Approval in the Chamber of Deputies on August 15proposes a budgetary strengthening of the current allocations for teachers’ salaries, university extension activities, science and technology and infrastructure operation. The government estimates that it would have a fiscal impact of $1.4 trillion.
“There is consensus to discuss university funding”said De Pedro at the end of the commission and noted that the one he presides is “a commission that requires a lot of work. In this new scenario, I think we have to think of good reforms of the educational model, be creative; We have to work on consensus and agreements”.
UBA repudiates the Minister of Justice: “He ignores the legal bases of our Nation”
The authorities of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) They expressed their repudiation of the statements of the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, who questioned the diversity of sexual identities in a speech before the Women and Diversity Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
During his speech, the official from La Libertad Avanza (LLA) stated: “We We reject the diversity of sexual identities, which do not align with biology; they are subjective inventions.”
Mariano Cuneo Libarona.jpeg
Mariano Cúneo Libarona, Minister of Justice, in the Chamber of Deputies.
Ignacio Petunchi
In reference to these sayings, the University of Buenos Aires expressed its repudiation through a resolution “ad referendum of the Superior Council”Among its considerations, it states that the expressions “ignore the legal and constitutional bases of our Nation and the rights of all people, without distinction of gender or sexual orientation.”
In addition, the statement highlights that “at the University of Buenos Aires freedom, respect and dignity of people are professed regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or religion, and promotes the autonomy and inclusion of people.”
She emphasizes: “The gender perspective is a tool that is used transversally in all policies developed at this University in order to guarantee the rights of women and diversities.”
Source: Ambito