Vítolo made special reference to the recent provisions of the body regarding Civil Associations, Foundations, Churches, Confessions and Religious Congregations in his presentation to the Senate Committee.
The Inspector General of Justice, Daniel Roque Vítolo, presented the regulations that regulate the procedures of civil associations, foundations, churches, religious denominations and congregations in the Senate before national senators gathered in the Labor and Social Security Committee.
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“The new regulations issued by the General Inspectorate of Justice during this administration are a very positive step in the development of Civil Society Organizations,” said the Inspector General of Justice, Dr. Daniel Roque Vítolo, who spoke in the Senate of the Nation about the new regulations of the General Inspectorate of Justice regarding Civil Society Organizations.
Vítolo made special reference to the recent provisions of the body regarding Civil Associations, Foundations, Churches, Confessions and Religious Congregations in his presentation to the Senate Committee.
The event took place in the Auditorium of the Senate Annex and was chaired by the National Senator for the Province of Córdoba, Carmen Silvia Álvarez Rivero, and was represented by Mercedes Aranguren and Pablo Nogués from the Confederation of Civil Society; and the economist Vanesa Luro. Also participating as a speaker was the representative of social organizations in the Province of Córdoba, Estela Inaudi.
During the event, a report prepared by the Confederation of Civil Society on the impact of civil society organizations on the economy and work was presented to the Senate —“The reality of CSOs in Argentina”— highlighting the participation of these organizations as direct contributors of more than 3.64% of the GDP and generators of more than 12% of formal employment in our country.
All attendees highlighted the fruitful and incessant work that the General Inspectorate of Justice has been carrying out in this field, since Daniel Roque Vítolo assumed his functions, and listened attentively to the presentation that the General Inspector made explaining the changes introduced by General Resolution IGJ No. 18/2024 that will come into force on November 1.
Source: Ambito