What is the draft of the energy emergency plan being prepared for the summer?

What is the draft of the energy emergency plan being prepared for the summer?

Scope was able to access the draft of a resolution that bears the signature of the Secretary of Energy Eduardo Rodriguez Chirillo and could be published in the next few days. News for generators, transporters and distributors. The 12 points it addresses.

The document to which this media had access goes along these lines and in its article 1 anticipates that there will be a: “Emergency Program Summer 2024/2025”.

Javier Milei’s energy emergency plan

On this point, CAMMESA and the Undersecretariat of Electric Energy are authorized to take the necessary actions to “adequate demand management within the framework of the emergency in order to avoid, reduce or mitigate the critical supply condition for the summer period”.

In the same text, it is anticipated that this administration of scarce resources will also apply to “Heavy Users”However, since the main problem is supply, it is not ruled out that some cuts may affect residential users or businesses, as well as industries, which will be encouraged to use less energy with financial compensation.

Then, in Article 2, it establishes actions for the generation sector. Some already known, such as “managing and obtaining the import of energy and power from Brazil during hours of high demand on critical days and the exercise of the right of preference for acquisition established by the Yacyretá Treaty.”

But also others, like the incorporation of a scheme of “additional, complementary and exceptional remuneration” based on power (fixed) and generation (variable) that promotes the availability of thermal generation plants in critical months and hours, valid from December 2024 to August 2027.”

The entire compensation package planned by the Energy Secretariat, together with the need to import fuels, will have a direct impact on the cost of generation. And given that the Government plans to continue with the path of cutting subsidies, it is suspected that this could be reflected in new increases in rates that users will pay.

The text in question also enables the Wholesale Electricity Market Management Company to carry out temporary or intertemporal energy swaps. This is already applied to electric energy, but what is striking is that natural gas is also included in the list.

Article 3 then calls for resuming transport works that were halted at the beginning of Javier Milei’s administration. and asks ENRE to draw up a list of priorities “with the aim of creating mechanisms that allow its commercial commissioning in the shortest possible time.”

Regarding distribution, the same entity is requested to instruct companies under federal jurisdiction to submit a Contingency Assistance Program containing preventive maintenance actions to avoid major failures.

In addition, it requests details of “the preparation of physical and human resources to deal with contingencies, in order to mitigate their consequences.” The distributors, Edenor and Edesur, must also report the Mobile Generating Units (UGEMS), which they plan to install during the summer.

Along those lines, Provinces are invited to make similar decisions and energy efficiency measures are being implemented in the public sector to take on an “exemplary” role. aimed at “optimizing energy performance in its facilities.” And of course, reducing consumption.

Finally, the Undersecretariat for Energy Transition and Planning to report the status of the situation and compliance of the actions of promoting energy efficiency in force since 2007 to make equal use of energy in public buildings of the National Public Administration, which allow for lower emissions from the public fleet so as not to exceed the limit of assigned emission rights.

Source: Ambito

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