What will happen to the pending AFIP procedures after its dissolution and how the tax key and billing remain

What will happen to the pending AFIP procedures after its dissolution and how the tax key and billing remain

As a result of this news, many taxpayers questioned regarding what will happen to your pending procedures, your tax code and the billing itself, among other things. For this reason, the authorities gave their testimony and explained the situation.

Thus, authorities of the organization detailed: “The dissolution of the AFIP It will not affect the operation of the procedures that were carried out through the website”.

However, on the part of the Government, it is still unknown what will happen with the collection of the monotribute and taxes after the closure of the entity. It is estimated that they will be collected through the ARCA, since this entity will be in charge of almost all the main functions of the AFIP.

Likewise, most procedures will remain unchanged and the procedures that have already been carried out will not be altered. They will also be preserved as they could already be used for procedures and consultations.

What will happen with billing and the tax key

As stipulated, The website will not undergo any major changes and will retain almost all of its functions. for users. Although certified information from the Ministry of Economy must be awaited, a portfolio that will dominate the organization.

Therefore, both the use of tax key such as the use of billing They will not undergo changes, nor will users be forced to renew anything. On the other hand, the tax obligations They will not look distorted either.

Manuel Adorni.jpeg

Adorni was in charge of announcing the dissolution.

What really remains to be defined is what the transition procedure between AFIP and ARCA. Nor can it be confirmed whether this transformation will generate specific mutations in daily operations.

Likewise, the Ministry of Economy stated that in the coming days they will announce if there are more profound changes and which ones are confirmed.

The officialization of the presidency

From the President’s Office They anticipated the changes to come: “The Customs Collection and Control Agency will be created (ARCA), an organization with a simpler, more efficient, less expensive and less bureaucratic structure.

“This measure will reduce higher authorities by 45% and lower levels by 31%which represents an elimination of 34% of the current structure, generating annual savings of 6.4 billion pesos,” they added.

In that sense, the announcement made by the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorniconfirmed the “disassociation of 3,155 agents who irregularly joined the AFIP during the last Kirchner government, which is equivalent to 15% of the current staff.”

“This essential step to dismantle the bureaucracy unnecessary that has hindered the economic and commercial freedom of Argentines,” he stated.

Source: Ambito

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