With the restructuring of the AFIP, many adherents of the monotax regime wonder what will happen to the limits on the amounts for purchases.
A few weeks ago, the Government of Javier Milei surprised all Argentines with the announcement of a new measure: the closure of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP). The reality is that the regulations of this administration will not cease to exist as such, but will be dissolved to create the Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA).
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This measure will reduce the higher authorities by 45% and the lower levels by 31%, and the dismissal of 3,155 agents who entered irregularly to the organization during the last Kirchnerist government, which represents 15% of the current staff. He Government announced that this measure will generate annual savings of $6.4 billion.
In that sense, since the Government made the dissolution of the AFIP official, there have been many questions about what will happen with some procedures and compliance with tax obligations. Among them is the payment that must be made by those who adhere to the monotax regime.
ARCA may request your personal information if you make a purchase greater than this amount
The ARK will control all purchases starting at $344,488 that are made to a final consumer and paid with credit, debit cards or other equivalent means of payment. The different financial entities will have to inform the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) when transactions exceed that amount. Likewise, the cash amount from which the entity may ask you for your information is $172,244.
In these cases, The entity will request the origin of those funds and what they were used for.after analyzing the taxpayer’s tax situation. Consequently It will be determined whether that money is legal or not. If irregularities are found, pay stubs and invoices will have to be presented to resolve any doubts.
If you receive a call from ARCA, you will have to inform yourself about your surname, names, address, document number (DNI, LE, LC, Passport or CI) and, if applicable, CUIT/CUIL/CDI.
Source: Ambito