Maria Josefa Bonazzathe only survivor to date fatal collapse of the Dubrovnik hotel in Villa Gesell, spoke for the first time from the hospital where he said he did “Morse code sounds calling for help” and that after the collapse she noticed that her husband, Federico César Ciocchini“did not respond.”
More than a week after the collapse that so far left seven dead, Bonazza He recounted how the debris fell: “We heard two very loud explosions and then the building collapsed.”
The couple lived in Balcarcebut the day before the collapse he had arrived at Villa Gesell to meet with a woman who was going to be in charge of receiving tourists at her home during the summer season.
Collapse in Villa Gesell 9.jpg
In dialogue with radio 100.9, Bonazza She stressed that the first thing she remembers is being trapped among the rubble and a single cry of pain from her partner: “I noticed that my husband was not responding to me. In the first minutes, I asked him not to move, that they were going to rescue us.”
However, Ciocchini He was the first known victim of the collapse of the 10-story building.
“I was always lucid. I was imprisoned and unable to move. Then, I began to use yoga techniques to be able to breathe better, even knowing that I was under the rubble,” she specified.
Hours later, knowing that there was already a rescue operation, the woman recounted what action she took so that they could find her: “I started making sounds in Morse code asking for help. I dialed the word SOS.”
In turn, she indicated that she began to hit the concrete that was nearby to try to get the firefighters and rescuers to listen to her, something that happened some time later when that Tuesday she saw a “beam of light” and managed to be rescued, a scenario contrary to that of her husband, who was found dead.
In shock, but in good health, Bonazza She was brought to safety and flown by helicopter to Mar del Plata where she was treated with fractures in her left shoulder and right wrist.
Eight days after the case that shakes the spa city, the retiree was transferred to a hospital in Balcarce where she is recovering from her injuries.
There are already seven deaths due to the collapse at the Villa Gesell hotel
Civil Defense personnel and firefighters rescued three other bodies this Tuesday in the Hotel Dubrovnik and thus there are now seven fatalities, while one person remains trapped in the rubble.
As the Agencia Noticias Argentinas was able to find out, the last bodies rescued belonged to Mariano Troiano, Matías Chaspman and Ezequiel Matu.
Now work continues to try to find Dana Desimone28 years old, who was girlfriend of Nahuel José Stefanic, nephew of the former owner of the complex Maria Rosa Stefanicboth deceased.
Source: Ambito