Podcast: “With AI the no-return button is pressed”

Podcast: “With AI the no-return button is pressed”

Image: cityfoto.at

There is no way back: artificial intelligence is here to stay. “AI will completely change digitalization as we know it,” says AI expert Maximilian Böger in the live podcast conversation from “Club der Cleveren”. Because digitalization has actually only made the issues of administration and bureaucracy worse. “In the past, you didn’t get 100 letters a day. But 100 emails a day are not uncommon. We have to deal with so many administrative things,” he says. This is exactly where AI comes into play.

“AI can already solve all recurring tasks today. Anyone who claims that this is not the case, their input is simply bad,” he says. The “prompt”, i.e. the input command, just has to be good enough. “I can train the artificial intelligence to do anything that repeats itself and it will find a solution for that. If it doesn’t know something, then I just have to tell it to ask me. Otherwise it’s lying. We all know that.” , he explains. You therefore have to give the AI ​​feedback. “If you don’t do that, you shouldn’t be surprised if the next text is just as bad as the first.”

Anyone who doesn’t use AI, especially in the business environment, would be missing out on a massive opportunity. “We are talking about a shortage of skilled workers. Many companies are therefore already thinking about how they can simplify administrative processes with artificial intelligence so that workers are available for the specialist departments,” says the native German.

This is not about “innovation”, but rather about real “transformation”. “The topic of innovation has been exhausted for ten years. Everything is sold as innovation. You can’t reach anyone anymore. We have to talk about transformation. That’s what moves us,” he says.

Knowledge as a “standard commodity”

AI will change so many things. “For example in education, because knowledge and content is simply a commodity, i.e. an interchangeable standard product. Everyone has access,” he explains. “So knowledge is simply no longer crucial, it’s just about the story we’re telling here. And how credible I am about it.”

Image: cityfoto.at


Image: cityfoto.at

Source: Nachrichten

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