Justice closed Edgardo Kueider’s office in Congress

Justice closed Edgardo Kueider’s office in Congress

This Thursday, in the middle of the debate over the future of the Peronist legislator, who closed ranks with La Libertad Avanza (LLA), lThe office he occupied in the legislative palace was sealed with a strip by judicial order, preventing staff access.

Edgardo Kueider’s office was closed

The measure is part of the case being investigated by federal judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado, who requested this Thursday the arrest and removal of immunity from the national senator for Entre Ríos Edgardo Kueider. The judge also demanded the extradition of Iara Guinsel Costa, the legislator’s secretary who accompanied him when he had more than US$200,000 undeclared.

After Arroyo Salgado’s disposition, personnel from the Senate Security Directorate sealed the office of the Entre Ríos leader with the aim of preserving the evidence until the office is raided.

Kueider Office.jpg

Justice will raid Edgardo Kueider’s office.

In parallel, the judge ordered to carry out around twenty raids with the intervention of the Gendarmerie on different homes of natural and legal persons that could be linked to the matrix of public corruption that is being investigated as a derivative of the SECURITAS mega case.

At this time, the Senate, with votes from the Unión por la Patria (UP) and part of the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) and the PRO, was moving to expel Kueider. The event generated resistance in La Libertad Avanza (LLA), which sought the temporary suspension of the legislator.

In the event that the ejection occurs, the bank will be in the hands of Stefania Coraa Peronist leader from Entre Ríos, who would give greater volume to the bench.

Kueider’s expulsion advances in the Senate

The session was attended by 68 of the 72 members of the Senate and everyone voted in favor of moving forward with the debate. In the event that a suspension, a proposal promoted by La Libertad Avanza, Kueider would not be able to occupy his seat nor would he enjoy his salary as senator. It is stipulated that the sanction extends until at least March 1, the date on which the regular session begins.

The possible disqualification of the senator was left out of the discussion Oscar Parrilli (Union for the Homeland), which was hinted at by the vice president herself Victoria Villarruel, in the framework of the investigation for “treason” after the signing of the memorandum with Iran. It would be the only topic that will be discussed by the National Congress during the extraordinary legislative period, after the Government itself admitted that “We do not agree with the agenda” for a series of electoral and security reforms to debate in parliamentary committees.

Source: Ambito

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