While the proposal to expel the senator detained in Paraguay from the Upper House is being debated, the head of the Unión por la Patria bloc accused that Kueider “was bought” and asked that he no longer continue as a member of the body.
The head of the Union for the Homeland bloc, Jose Mayanshe pointed out this Thursday against Senator Edgardo Kueider, detained in Paraguay, and called for his expulsion from the Upper House during this Thursday’s session that deals with whether he will be removed or suspended while the case is investigated.
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“The Bases Law was corrupt, votes were bought“, he accused Mayans from his seat in the Senate. For the man from Formosa there is no doubt, Kueider sold his vote to the Government and that is why he requests his expulsion. “We want the bank that was stolen from us for money,” he requested and maintained that “there was betrayal of the political parties.”
He also issued a warning to the senator detained preventively in a Hotel in Asunción, Paraguay. “Kueider should not even go out onto the balcony because he might fall into the pool. What else does Kueider know? “He knows a lot”warning Mayans.
Mayans – Kueider Senate.mp4
José Mayans’ accusation: “The Bases Law was corrupt”
Mayans He took a tour of what the president’s relationship was like Javier Milei with the Legislative Branch and how, according to him, he would have achieved the support of Edgardo Kueider from Entre Rios.
“I’m going to speak in Milei’s terms. He said there were bribes and rats here. Milei stained the honor of Congress. He told the governors that he was going to make them shit. to all. And what was done here? Some senators got together here, they reached 39 and said that they have the right to do what they want. And there were two who came for our ticket. “So now comes the other part: why did they go to the other group?” Mayans said.
His conclusion was direct. There was an arrangement. “They put together a band to sell their vote. What was the prize? The Constitutional Affairs Commission. Kueider spoke about the Single Ballot to fight corruption,” he accused. Mayans. Then he added: “He had a problem: he went tourism. (the PRO Cristian deputy) Ritondo and (Edgardo) Kueider “They had to defend the clean sheet.”
The man from Formosa not only stayed with the senator detained in Paraguay, but also targeted his colleague in the United Provinces bloc, Camau Espínola. For Mayans“they bought votes” from the Base Law. “It was corrupt”he denounced.
Source: Ambito