I am part of space and here I will stay

I am part of space and here I will stay

In that sense, he emphasized: “I am part of the space that governs our countryfrom its very foundation and here I will stay defending my convictions that led President Milei and me to find a common path.

Through a message on her social networks, the Vice President came out to talk about the versions of differences within the ruling party and maintained: “I remember as if it were yesterday when we were only two deputies with President Milei against Kirchnerism, which is the same which is now because They didn’t change a single name. They made our lives impossible, they mistreated us and tried to denigrate us at every opportunity they had; but despite that we accompanied each other knowing that the destiny of Argentina was brilliant“, began.

In turn, he added: “Given recent statements from some political parties that claim to represent me and my ideas, I want to express that today there is no place for ‘moderation’“, he remarked and clarified: “I am not participating in any political activity and when I do, I will do so wherever President Milei asks me to.“.

The official deputy, Lilia Lemoineclose to President, He pointed out on more than one occasion that Villarruel sought to create a new space, separate from Freedom Advances. He even accused her of using money from the Senate to carry out his own campaign.

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The internment broke out in La Libertad Avanza after the expulsion of Edgardo Kueider

The intern exploded last week when Villarruel presided over the Senate session where Kueider’s expulsion was discussed while the president Javier Milei was traveling to Italy, which meant that he had to remain in charge of the Executive Branch and could not have called the session.

Faced with this situation, the Vice President argued that she did not He was aware of Milei’s departure from the country while Casa Rosada responded to him this Friday showing the message by which his private secretary would have been notified of the President’s flight to Europe on Tuesday morning. “Until they transfer power to me, I am vice president.“explained the head of the Senate on social networks. “I signed the minutes agreeing to it at 7:00 p.m.,” he added.

In a context of growing versions of tension between Villarruel and Milei, the president pointed out from Rome: “On the same Thursday, the same [Manuel] Adorni confirmed that I was traveling to Italy and that was disseminated through all the media. But also, when I finish signing, the clerk calls her insistently [por Villarruel] and then they wrote to the secretary who did not answer either,” he explained in a radio conversation with Luis Majul.

After this crossing within the Government, the lawyer of Kueider, Maximiliano Ruizsent a note to the head of the Senate where he launched: “I inform you that today a judicial action has been initiated through which disputes the constitutionality and validity of the extraordinary session of December 12which ordered the removal of the position of National Senator to my assistant.”

The senator, accused of smuggling, money laundering and terrorist financing, after having been found in Paraguay with more than 200,000 undeclared dollars, seeks to have the session invalidated to preserve his seat.

In line with Kueider’s objective, Carlos Pagotto, senator from La Libertad Avanza, mentioned the possibility that the ruling party would request the annulment of the session. “I believe that a notary should have formed the Chamber and made him sign. They are elementary legal questions. The challenge to this Thursday’s session could easily occur. A transfer of command document should have been made and signed by the vice president. As soon as the document is signed, it performs other functions. “Now they will have to figure out who is responsible.”

Source: Ambito

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